Saturday, August 14, 2010

AP American Govt. Syllabus

AP American Government (Fall 2010)                                                                                                    
Mr. Jobe
579-1887 (H) 621-2937 (C)

Multiple Choice & Free Response Question in Preparation for the AP US Government & Politics Exam, 6th Edition.

Course Objectives: Students will be able to do the following: examine institutions, people, processes, and powers of government; show the process by which laws were created, applied, and interpreted; emphasize the structure and operation of a democratic society; encourage responsibility and participation in local, state, and national government; provide opportunity for practice in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making in a changing society. But the primary focus will be to develop interest, skills, knowledge, and application in the area of American Government in order to pass the AP exam with a 3 or higher.

Course Requirements:
1. Everyday attendance and participation are important for course credit and grading purposes.
2. Textbooks and Notebooks should be brought to class daily. Handouts, homework, tests, quizzes, and other appropriate information will be filed here. You will need to keep everything passed out to you for the AP exam.
3. Students are encouraged to read outside articles relevant to classroom discussion and topics as well as watch news-related television programs. This will help you give examples for essay questions on your tests.
4. Students are expected on turn in and participate in all projects. Details will be given out at a later time. This goes for homework as well.
5. Reading assignments are important in the material. Quizzes will often follow. Also, there will be unit tests and a final exam.
6. Be on time!
7. Students are to be courteous and well behaved as well as respectful to other’s opinions.
8. Make sure to follow course outline with each chapter.
9. A 3 or higher on the AP exam. There will be review sessions in the spring to prepare you for the all-important test.

Topics and Chapters of Discussion:
1. Study of American Government (1)
2. The Constitution (2) & Federalism (3)
3. Public Opinion (9)
4. Elections (10), Political Parties (11), Interest Groups (12), The Media (13)
5. Institutions of Government
a. The Congress (5)
b. The President (6)
c. The Bureaucracy (7)
d. The Judiciary (8)
6. Public Policy (14,15,16)
7. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (4)

Grading Breakdown:
Quizzes 30%
Chapter Tests 40%
HW/Participation 10%
Election Project 10%
Final 10%

Grade Scale

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